About us
We are a group of constituents worried about climate change.
In particular, we’re very worried that Westminster politics doesn’t grapple with it effectively.
Voters need good information if they are to vote well. We aim to provide it in respect of climate change and our MP.
We believe that we, the people of Britain, are streets ahead of our government on climate issues. We believe that this also applies to our MP and this constituency.
We also believe that only by shifting politics in Westminster can we bring about important change, and that well-informed public opinion has a big part to play in this. That means all of us getting more clued up and more active.
Using this site
We have designed this site to offer facts rather than news.
We offer information and ideas rather than hot news, the hurly-burly of social media and the 24-hour news cycle. This space is a quieter and more considered resource for readers who are anxious about the climate and the future.
Mainly we seek to make clear the ways in which party politics, spin and denial obscure a proper view of the issues and get in the way of appropriate action. We deal with local concerns such as planning and pollution, but we also offer more general, unbiased information.
Some of the disinformation which is spread relates to the alleged cost of ‘going green’. (Spoiler: money’s not a problem.) We address this issues here, here and here.
We have to use ‘key words’ on our menu, of course: we hope that you will be intrigued and explore! There’s a great deal of thought on the site, and we publish a user-friendly briefing doc summary to help you argue the climate case. You can download it here. If you prefer video, this summary of the case is recommended. We also discuss what we can do, as individuals, here.
(Please note: archive material might mention our ex-MP, and refer to government policies during the 14 years up to 2024!)
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