Paddy Coulter, whose death has shocked us, was, among a host of other scintillating things, an intelligent and enthusiastic friend of the MP Watch movement in Witney. One of the absolute best of people and very badly missed, we remember him with pride and sorrow. R.I.P. Paddy.
That was a historic and important election…
For the first time in 102 years, we have elected an MP who is not a Conservative. That’s historic, but it’s also important. We have replaced Robert Courts, a climate delayist, with Charlie Maynard, a climate realist.
We told Robert, endlessly, that climate change was a concern in his constituency. We told him that the local trend was away from his government’s appalling climate policies. He endorsed them all, anyway.
His choice…
And now, Robert Courts Watch is unnecessary. We’re cheerfully redundant!
We had the last Robert Courts Watch meeting over a nice lunch in a pub, and concluded our last bits of business in fine style. Then we transitioned into the inaugural meeting of MP Watch Witney.
Robert Courts Watch is dead; long live MP Watch Witney!
MP Watch Witney will be different to Robert Courts Watch. Charlie Maynard is far greener than Robert Courts and the Lib Dem manifesto was far greener than the Conservatives’. With Charlie as our MP, we now have a direct route into a sympathetic and supportive ear in Westminster. We have the potential to get climate a better hearing up there in the corridors of power, where it really matters. We also have the potential to build a focussed, more visible, climate majority in our constituency and across Oxfordshire.
We’re thinking hard about the way forward - and there is one. Bear with us and, even better, come with us! Join us in MP Watch Witney and beyond.
If you want to get involved in a local climate future full of potential, write to Hugo at:
Together, we can make climate the important majority issue it really is and make it sizzle in Westminster.
Onward and upward!